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Mono White Humans by PhilosophusRex – Mythic – September Ranked Season

Rotation took out a few really good cards for Mono White Human Tribal, such as Elspeth and Rally for the Throne, but it gave some really good cards as well. Chaplain of Alms is a fantastic new weenie, with both ward and first strike it gets a lot of value from having more counters or anthem effects on it, not to mention it can be cast from the graveyard. Intrepid Adversary works as an aggressive 3/1 drop with lifegain and can also work as a great anthem effect if you have 4 mana. Brutal Cathar is a great weenie + removal card and Adeline helps generate more weenies to get further value out of your anthems.

Prior to rotation, weenie decks that utilized anthem effects would use 3 mana spells like Glorious Anthem or Heraldic Banner. By restricting ourselves to humans only we can utilize the cheaper 2 mana Rally the Ranks as a anthem spell to get more value. Some fantastic human cards like Elite Spellbinder and Luminarch Aspirant survived rotation so they make logical additions to the deck. Blade Historian was initially very popular upon it’s release but since feel out of fashion, but it’s a great card to increase your damage and finish a game on turn 4 or 5. Finally we can round it out with Codespell Cleric and Star Pupil. Star Pupil is well-suited to be the recipient of +1 counters from the Codespell Cleric or the Luminarch Aspirant and fits well with the deck. Finally, do not use snow lands as Faceless Haven as this makes it very difficult to play the Blade Historian, so 2 Cave of the Frost Dragon should be added in case you get mana flooded.


by MTG Arena Zone
Buy on TCGplayer $53.78
best of 3
4 mythic
25 rare
4 uncommon
27 common
Enchantments (4)
Rally the Ranks
Lands (21)
60 Cards

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by MTG Arena Zone
4 mythic
25 rare
4 uncommon
27 common

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MTG Arena Zone Premium