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Magic Pro League Eldraine Split Sapphire Division Decklists


A new season of Magic Pro League has begun for the new set! 32 players are fighting for their spot in the league this season, with the introduction of the Rivals League and the new Magic Esport structure. You can read about it in our article here. You can also read more about the Eldraine Split divisions and changes from the last Core Split here. The major change is that players must use the same deck for the top 4 play-offs.

You can see the live stream for Sapphire Division at October 5 noon PT/3 p.m. ET/7 p.m. UTC on Twitch.

We are now on to day 5 of the new Throne of Eldraine Standard, and we can get an insight into what the pro players are playing as the meta develops.

Player NameDecklist
Reid DukeSelesnya Adventure
Rei SatoBant Golos
Piotr GlogowskiGolgari Adventure
Alexander HayneBant Golos
Jessica EstephanBant Food
Lucas Esper BerthoudSimic Food
John RolfGolgari Adventure
Martin JuzaJeskai Fires

Source: Eldraine Split Sapphire Division Decklists

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