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Top 5 Standard Decks for Wilds of Eldraine Day 1

The best Standard cards and their decks going into Wilds of Eldraine!

Hey everyone! With the imminent release of Wilds of Eldraine I'm finishing out my series of articles by looking at 5 theorycraft decks for Standard built around some powerful new cards from the set. Even though Standard isn't undergoing rotation this year which means a generally higher overall power level, I still think there are a number of strong cards from the set that are likely to have an impact. If you missed any of the other articles for the other formats you can check them out below:

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MTG Arena Zone Premium

Alth is an MTG Arena grinder who has been #1 on the ladder multiple times and is always looking to bring new ideas and archetypes to the format and push them to the top spots on the ladder. You can follow him on Twitter and YouTube.

Articles: 128