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MTG Arena Qualifier Weekend

Standard Qualifier Weekend – Day 2 – 4+ Win Decklists – October 2022

Collection of Best of Three (Bo3) Standard decklists that reached more than 4 wins in Day 2 of MTG Arena's October 2022 Qualifier Weekend event.

The October 2022 edition of the Qualifier Play-In events and Qualifier Weekend was for the Standard format, allowing players to compete in the second Arena Championship held in the first quarter of 2023.

Wizards of the Coast has published the decklists (not something that happens all the time) that got more than 4+ wins on the second day of the Qualifier Weekend, in an extremely competitive field that requires 14 wins amongst the most talented players, including pros.

Even with the banning of The Meathook Massacre it looks like the Black-based midrange decks are still the ones to beat for now. Players still shared a diverse set of decks during the Play-In events, albeit requiring much less wins and in a less competitive field. To check out how Standard has been evolving since the bans, check out DoggertQBones’s analysis of recent results here:

October 2022 Qualifier Weekend – Day 2 – 4+ Win Standard Decklists

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