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Happily Ever After Art

Happy New Year from the MTG Arena Zone Team!

On behalf of all our team here at MTG Arena Zone; Terence, Drifter, Compulsion, DailyArena and Cacogibbon, we would like to wish you a Happy New Year and hope everybody has a prosperous 2020! Be sure to check out our MTG Arena 2019 Year in Review here!

MTG Arena Zone in 2019

It has been a monumental year for MTG Arena Zone, as we opened our doors and shared our first guide on reddit at the end of May 2019. Our goal was simple – to be your best resource for MTG Arena – rather than Magic: The Gathering as a whole. It was more niche, but this allowed us to be more focused in our efforts. Our signature guides and decks for events are the most popular aspects of the site!

We started small, experimented and learned new things along the way, to try and provide you with the best (written) content for all MTG Arena players out there. We currently have over 450 articles and 1200 decks in our database spanning the last seven months.

As a sincere thank you to everybody’s support so far, we are currently undergoing a giveaway equivalent to the value of a Theros Beyond Death Preorder Bundle. There is about a week left to go, so make sure to sign up!

MTG Arena Zone in 2020

Firstly, a Year in Review for 2019 is now up is coming up in the next few hours. This is a compilation of everything major that’s happened to MTG Arena in 2019 and reflect on how the client become its current state, and how the metagame changed with new cards, new sets and the recent bannings.

We will be working on more systems to help you find decks, become a better player and inform you everything there is to know about MTG Arena in 2020. The website will undergo gradual changes in the coming months, and we will be sure to announce the changes as they come. This will be an exciting time for us and we hope you join us as we seek feedback.

We are also planning to branch out into YouTube and streaming via Twitch where our community can interact with us in real time. The setup will take a little bit longer as there are other things we want to achieve first, but from time to time we may upload videos and go live on Twitch. We have a lot of things we want to show you, from beginner to competitive players and we can’t wait to get started! Other than that, we do have a few other ambitious things we want to diversify into, but we will keep those details to ourselves until we can share more concrete details with everybody.

On a more personal level, I want to put in more time and effort into the competitive scene via MTG Arena to help get our name out there and build more credibility into content that we produce. I am starting off by participating in the first Mythic Qualifier in January and Mythic Point Challenge in February and will be trying to spike in those events!

In 2020 we have lots of things planned for everyone – we want to grow further with Magic: The Gathering and MTG Arena, and maintain a helpful, nurturing community where we truly look out for another. We are always active in our Discord server, so we encourage you to join and come say hi!

Iroas, God of Victory Art


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MTG Arena Zone
MTG Arena Zone

MTG Arena Zone is Your best Magic: The Gathering Arena information site, featuring guides, news, tier lists, decks, and more.

Articles: 13179