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Chandra, Flame's Fury

PC Gamer to Giveaway 1000 Core Set 2020 Chandra Planeswalker Decks

PC Gamer is partnering up with MTG Arena to giveaway 1000 free Chandra’s Blaze decks. Click here to head to PC Gamer and enter your email address to be in the raffle to win a code for a copy of the deck once the competition timer expires at April 28, 2020 10 AM PT. Yes, this is the same deck that were given away last year as part of the Magic Celebrity Cup promotion.

The deck contains 1 Mythic Rare, 4 Rares, 10 Uncommons and 20 Commons and only contains red cards themed around Chandra. As with these promotional decks, if you already own four copies of the cards in the deck it may count towards your Vault progress and have Duplicate Protection.

Chandra’s Blaze Decklist

[sd_deck deck=”5CP8aLZoQ”]


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