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Fable of the Mirror-Breaker

Wizards Confirm Next Banned and Restricted Announcement on May 29, 2023 Will Be Focused on Standard

Recently, a change to Standard rotation was announced to be a 3 year cycle from a 2 year cycle in an attempt to revitalize the Standard format at the tabletop levels. Following this news, Wizards of the Coast answered some questions regarding the topic, of which the transcript can be seen below:

Further to this, Wizards of the Coast will be touching the format a bit more with a scheduled Banned and Restricted announcement! Every year, there will be a mass ban event all formats in Fall, and a small window three weeks after a set release just incase of emergencies (ahem, Oko, Thief of Crowns).

To kick start this process, a Banned and Restricted announcement focused on Standard will be made on May 29, 2023 to help prepare for Wilds of Eldraine release in September as the set was not designed for a big 3 year Standard format. This is also one day after the major tournament Arena Championship 3 – so it’s a pity we won’t be able to try some of the decks made by pros! Especially a lot of the decks are most likely to heavily involve the following cards that may instantly spring to mind for players:

Check out the full video via Twitch below for more information:

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