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Sythis, Harvest’s Hand Art by Ryan Yee

10 New Historic Brawl Decks with Jumpstart: Historic Horizons

Jumpstart: Historic Horizons

Jumpstart: Historic Horizons is adding more than 400 cards to the Historic card pool, new in MTG Arena and ready to shake up the format like we have never seen before! From cards with the new digital only mechanics (Conjure, Perpetually and Seek), powerful Modern Horizons cards, to welcome reprints from much older sets.

One of the most important update with the latest patch, is that Historic Brawl will finally have a permanent matchmaking queue for players to enjoy for free! To get you started, once again Skull and the Brawl Hub Community, has kindly provided us with 10 new and updated Historic Brawl decks for you to try with Jumpstart: Historic Horizons cards. Be sure to join their Discord community by clicking on the button below, and enjoy!

If you want to build your own Historic Brawl decks, be sure to check out our guide on deck building:

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