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A Message from Customer Support - Reward

MTG Arena Releases Compensation Rewards for 2022.22.0 Patch Issues

Claim the reward from the player Inbox to receive 3000 Mastery XP and 1000 Gold until December 16, 2022.

MTG Arena experienced some disruptions on December 13 with the 2022.22.0 patch, which lasted several hours that prevented players from playing the game. As compensation, players have been sent a Mail reward to the new player Inbox within the client (top right hand corner of the screen) until December 16, 2022 to obtain the following:

Remember, this new update means that free rewards such as this will be handed out this way rather than via the free Promotional Codes! Make sure the claim the rewards before the message is deleted – although the rewards for Alchemy: The Brothers’ War and Explorer Anthology 2 will be claimed automatically, players will likely have to claim this one before the December 16 (waiting for confirmation).

Please reach out to Wizards of the Coast Customer Service directly if you experience any issues.

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MTG Arena Zone Premium
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