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Throne of Eldraine Release Date and Mastery XP Catch Up Update

Throne of Eldraine Release Date

Wizards of the Coast have all but confirmed the release date of the upcoming Fall set Throne of Eldraine to be Thursday September 26, 2019 on MTG Arena in a recent reddit thread about the Mastery Pass.

This follows the pattern of Thursday release a week before the official tabletop release date and few days before the prerelease weekend. Remember, you can see check out all the Throne of Eldraine cards as they get spoiled in our page here.

Mastery XP Catch Up

As we approach the release of Throne of Eldraine, the window for completing your Core Set 2020 Mastery and its respective Mastery Tree is also closing – with a bit over 30 days to go, players are calculating how much more XP they may need to complete or how far they can get.

A suggestion was made in the same thread to see if we might be able to get a repeatable event to reward us with Mastery XP as a way for players to catch up on the rewards, which was not flat out denied!

So far, as they mentioned in the previous Mastery update, we have so far obtained 9 out of 15 additional levels through events and codes (other than Daily Quests and Weekly Wins).

Apparently there is more to come, and of course MTG Arena Zone will be here to let you know as soon as we know anything more you need to know!

Iroas, God of Victory Art


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