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Daily Deals May 22, 2023

Fable of the Mirror-Breaker and Reckoner Bankbuster Removed from Daily Deals: Will They Be Banned on May 29, 2023?

Wizards of the Coast has made an announcement of an announcement with a scheduled Banned and Restricted announcement focused on Standard on May 29, 2023 – right after the major tournament Arena Championship 3. Prompted by the change to the Standard rotation going to a 3 yearly cycle rather than a 2 yearly one, you can read about our thoughts on the topic below:

With the announcement on the horizon, today’s Daily Deals initially offered two of the cards that are being discussed for Standard bans among the community: Fable of the Mirror-Breaker and Reckoner Bankbuster.

Not long after however, the two cards were removed from the shop, which may all but confirm their ban status as it would not be a good look to offer cosmetics for these cards should they be banned a few days later. Furthermore, how the questions from the Discord session about Standard rotation were answered also foretelling.

What do you think? Let us know what you think the comments below!

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