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MTG Arena Zone Premium
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Our timeless Magic: The Gathering strategy articles will increase your understanding of the game and get the upper hand of your opponents. We cover everything from deck building, game plans, mindset, mulligans, and more.

Lucky Offering Art by Fiona Hsieh

Sideboarding in Limited

Sideboarding is an understudied aspect of Limited and often an afterthough. Sierkovitz uses the power of data to look at how we should sideboard, what cards are best sideboard options, and which cards are underperforming!

Under The Meta: Historic Izzet Mindsplice Mastery

This is fourth installment in the Under The Meta series where Altheriax goes over the strengths and weaknesses of a new deck, and talks about how it could potentially be improved to push it into tier 1 - this time he's covering a control deck built around the new Mindsplice Apparatus!

Under The Meta: Historic Temur Perilous Phoenix

This is second installment in the Under The Meta series where Altheriax goes over the strengths and weaknesses of a new deck, and talks about how it could potentially be improved to push it into tier 1 - this time he's breaking down Temur Phoenix splashing green for Perilous Iteration and Cindervines!